MAYNARD JAMES KEENAN Calls TOOL's Creative Process 'Tedious'

November 28, 2016

According to The Pulse Of Radio, TOOL frontman Maynard James Keenan told Yahoo! in a new interview that while the perception is that the other members of TOOL are waiting for him to make a new album, just the opposite is true. Keenan said that he is the one who ends up waiting around for the rest of the group. "If TOOL was more prolific, if they were a little steadier, if we could get things done a little faster, I would probably be happy," he said. "But things are very… They take a long time, they're very tedious, very meticulous and I get bored. So I have to go do things in between. The perception, of course, is that everything's waiting on me. No, that's not the case."

TOOL's last album, "10,000 Days", came out more than a decade ago, in May 2006.

TOOL guitarist Adam Jones reportedly told fans during a meet-and-greet session last month that he, drummer Danny Carey and bassist Justin Chancellor have been working on new music three days a week.

While he said that they have two albums' worth of material prepared, he added that only five of those songs meet the "TOOL standard" and that Keenan has yet to write or sing lyrics for anything.

Keenan, in the meantime, has released and toured behind three albums with his side project, PUSCIFER, and is also prepping music with A PERFECT CIRCLE for 2017.

Keenan has been on a book tour to promote his authorized biography, "A Perfect Union Of Contrary Things", which recently debuted at No. 10 on The New York Times best sellers list of hardcover non-fiction releases.

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